Easter....I am always a bit surprised how much my boys love to color Easter eggs. I love it. I never seem to make enough because I think they won't want to do that many but every year we run out.
Sienna LOVED it too. It really is fun. I always want to be more creative than I am though.....
Easter morning...we have 8:30 am church so the Easter Bunny came while we were at church which was kind of nice I will say....
They were all very excited to find their baskets and for the first time in a few years it wasn't raining outside so he hid everything outside.
So the next holiday is Mother's Day....and we all know that is my FAVORITE holiday of all!
Can't wait!
Jessie! I finally got on to your blog! Your kids are so cute. It looks like you guys had a great Easter. I loved your post on living in Ashburn--that is exactly how we feel! I LOVE it here!
P.S. Umm...you are so busted for putting up that picture at your birthday dinner, you know the one where everyone is smiling cute for the camera and I like like I'm going to try to eat the table or something. Lol! I think I was actually falling over. Anyway, I look like a complete idiot. Busted!
jessie, this easter egg hunt reminded me of our picture of cooper and Abby on the day Isaac was born. he just turned 6 last week and we thought about that day. Siena is getting big, and very cute as always.
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