So for me the end of summer is very depressing. I always get the winter blues...and it can start as early as October...yes October....must be the lack of sunshine I get or something. So I have to find things that make me happy.
I look forward to the holidays to live vicariously through my kids. We decorate our house for Halloween on October 1st...we make pumpkin cookies, and pumpkin bread, and pumpkin pancakes....and we go to the Pumpkin Farm.
The kids love it... well at least two of the kids do.
I am having a harder and harder time convincing Hunter and Cooper to go anymore.
This year I told Hunter he could invite a friend along. He laughed at me and said "mom I would never invite someone to go to the Pumpkin Farm..that would just be embarrassing!"
So I took Jackson and Sienna and my sister Rach and we headed off to Pumpkinville!
We met our friends Nicky and Royal there and they kids had a ball.

Jackson doing the Zipline....

Life of a photographer...FYI if anyone needs one she's awesome! You can check out her website here... if it doesn't work here check my sidebar for Rachels Photography.....

Most of you know about the sports in my life. Well it's football season again and so you can always find us doing some sort of football activity...practices, games...I have to say though that Hunter's games at the High School under the lights are so much fun. It really brings you back to that fun time in your life as soon as you walk through the gate and the music is can smell the popcorn, hear the announcer, and the band. It's just a lot of fun. Hunter is doing great too. Hunter #44

We have had so many great friends and family come out and support Hunter....I don't always have my camera with me to document but the night I did, I got a few pictures...
My friend Julie and her whole family came out to his game last week, it is so nice of people because they have to pay 5 bucks a person to get in! So I feel bad...but she said her family had so much fun they are coming next week too. Hunter has great support! And his grandpa that hasn't missed a game...pretty much Hunter's whole life. It really means a lot to Hunter.

Sienna and her best buddie Jackson.....Jackson and Holly have come to almost every game.

Conwey's sweet family.....parents, sister, brother, and cousins......

Royal, Carmen, and Holly......

Rach and Sienna

And I suppose I should put a few in of the other boys....Cooper is #47 Both Coop and Jackson are are on the same teams as last year...if the uniforms look familiar!

That's Jackson in the blue...He is #21...his coach just calls him Action....that pretty much sums him up.
So there's my fall in a lets see if anyone gets to the Championship!