Well we were kind of late this year getting our tree.
It is so hard to find a day to do it.
So yesterday we decided to go in between basketball games (and painting the dining room that my very very nice sister ended up doing almost the whole thing...thanks Rach) We decide to go get our trees.
Conwey likes to go and cut our trees down at a tree farm.
So after the craziness of getting everyone ready in grubby clothes and getting them in the car, we were off to find our trees.

Once we get there and it ends up to be a beautiful day out. We find two trees we think will do. Hunter cuts one down and Conwey, Jackson, and Coop cut the other one down.
(Last year we found a tree we liked, then as we were dragging it out we found the perfect tree we had to have. So since we already cut one down we had to take them both.
We ended up loving having two trees so now it's a tradition.)
Anyway they give you hot cider, hot peanuts, and Conwey loves to go cut them down so all in all it was a good day.
( I think if I had it my way we would get it delivered to our doorstep....) Sienna was running around like a crazy girl...she wasn't sure what we were doing.
She sure had fun though.
Now on to the decorating.....
She sure had fun though.
Now on to the decorating.....
We did the same thing--went to a tree farm and cut down our own Christmas tree. You are lucky to have older boys who can do the dirty work for you, like cutting it down and pulling it to the car!! Little Sienna will never have to lift a finger, I'm sure!
Wow! I'm glad to know there are still people that enjoy going out and getting their own REAL tree. NYC ruined me on real trees and the fact I'm happy to have mine up for 5+ weeks. It's fun to see what your kids look like since I've never met them!!!! -Audrey
Erica I can't find your new blog address it must have fell out of my purse. Email me it if you can~
Fake trees are great too. Mostly because Ruby can handle the whole thing with the girls. I do like your trees though. When you guys get old like me you will understand, maybe.
Hey Sam you are not that much older than me you know!!!!
I found your blog linked from Erica's, hope you don't mind~ you can check out mine it's linked on Erica's too if ya want. Geez, you have good looking kids. Sienna is too cute! I am all about the prelit fake trees, does that make me a scrooge? Maybe when the kids are older we'll attempt a real one...
Erin Jensen
Just checked out your blog. It makes me miss you guys so much! I was seriously teary eyed looking at the pics. Give your kids (even Conwey too) hugs from the lewises. - Amanda
I am sooo jealous! Sam hates real trees, the last time we got a real one I had to tie it to the curtain rod to get it to stay up!!! It was a disaster. I finally gave in and bought a fake one.
Paulette..I am laughing at the thought of you tying your tree to a curtain rod.
We just love the smell of real tree's. They are a lot of work though.....
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