Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa Conwey

Santa Claus

Okay my husband is truly a good sport, and a great Santa!

Santa came to our house last night. He was on the roof top (we were a bit worried that Santa may fall off the roof and traumatize the kids by having the ambulance show up, but all was well and Santa was safe.) We are so glad so now he can make his long journey tonight.
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cutting Down the Christmas Trees!

Christmas Trees
Well we were kind of late this year getting our tree.
It is so hard to find a day to do it.
So yesterday we decided to go in between basketball games (and painting the dining room that my very very nice sister ended up doing almost the whole thing...thanks Rach) We decide to go get our trees.
Conwey likes to go and cut our trees down at a tree farm.
So after the craziness of getting everyone ready in grubby clothes and getting them in the car, we were off to find our trees.

Looking for the perfect tree
Hunter cutting with a large saw
Hard work pulling it up the hill

Jackson and Jessie

Crazy Sienna
Hunter pulling the trees through the line to pay for them

Once we get there and it ends up to be a beautiful day out. We find two trees we think will do. Hunter cuts one down and Conwey, Jackson, and Coop cut the other one down.
(Last year we found a tree we liked, then as we were dragging it out we found the perfect tree we had to have. So since we already cut one down we had to take them both.
We ended up loving having two trees so now it's a tradition.)
Anyway they give you hot cider, hot peanuts, and Conwey loves to go cut them down so all in all it was a good day.
( I think if I had it my way we would get it delivered to our doorstep....) Sienna was running around like a crazy girl...she wasn't sure what we were doing.
She sure had fun though.
Now on to the decorating.....

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

First Snow Fall of the Season

Sienna's First Snow!

It snowed today for the first time. It was so beautiful.
Sienna hadn't ever seen snow before (that she can remember)

Eating the snow
Dancing in the snow

She kept saying Wow....and eating it. Dancing in it.
I am sure the boys will have their sleds out as soon as they get home from school.
Hopefully we won't have a snow day tomorrow already!


Thanksgiving 2007

I realized I haven't even written about Thanksgiving yet.
Things start getting so crazy with Christmas around the corner and all the kids activities.


Rachel getting hugs from Jackson and Sienna

Rachel, Jimmy, and Sienna
Cooper and cousin Eddie
Sienna enjoying some pumpkin pie!

We had a great Thanksgiving this year. The weather was amazing. 70 degree's.
We ate at Conwey's sister's house this year and decided to eat a little later than usual, it was really nice to have the whole day. Conwey took the boys to play football like he always does. Nicolas spent the night so he went with the guys too.
They had a blast. I went to my spin class at the gym which was so great to get a good work out in before a big meal. Then we had the rest of the day to do our cooking. Conwey made his mashed potatoes. I made some blueberry pies.
We headed down to McLean to Kasi's. It was a big group this year about 45 people.
Then right after we eat Jackson (of course) comes in and tells us that Hunter threw the basketball at his head. He is looking a bit pale and lays down on the floor. This is a usual occurrence in my house so I'm not too worried. Until he comes over to me and says he feels like he is going to throw up. I can tell he isn't kidding and try to aim him towards the garage. Well he throws up right as Conwey's dad is walking into the mudroom. I felt so bad....poor Ed. He is such a good grandpa though, he takes it in stride.
Then Jackson proceeds to throw up every half hour. We are then worried about a concussion.
So of course we end up in the ER once again with him. Conwey is sweet and takes him over while I take the other kids home to bed.
Luckily (after three hours there) no concussion. What am I going to do with Jackson?!?
All and all it was a great day....

A few things I am thankful for big and small:

My Kids
The Church
My Home
Our Safe Neighborhood
Great Schools
Our Health
Trader Joes
Good Salads
Morning Star Meatless Meat Products (my kids even like some of them!)
Diet Coke (what would I do with out it!)
Tivo (seriously how did we live with out it?)
Going to The Ritz in Naples, Florida with only Conwey
The Beach- The Sun
The Pool
My Classes at the Gym 
Girls Night Out
Dates with Conwey
White Christmas Lights
Living In Ashburn
Sienna's Laugh
Hunter's Computer Skills
Living so close to Washington D.C. and all the
visitor's we get because of it.

I could really go on and on. I am grateful for so many things.
I feel very blessed in my life.

Now on to Christmas....
Stay Tuned.