Hunter had his surgery on his ended up being worse than they thought when he re-injured his knee he also tore his he ended up having a torn ALC, torn meniscus, and then they took his hamstring. So needless to say he was in some serious pain the first few days. I wasn't sure he was gonna make it. But he pulled through...and is now doing physical therapy and walking quite well now. They say they can't clear him for any form of sports for at least 6 months. Very sad. Football has started and it's very strange not having Hunter going everyday. :(
This is what he would give me for a picture right before surgery....
But we did get these after...
Lovely huh...we are just so glad it's over and the healing has begun!
Then the same night Cooper fell in his basketball game...we had seriously just gotten home from the hospital with Hunter and had to go to ER for Cooper who had to have CAT scan and ended up having a concussion...

I hope she doesn't kill me for posting this picture...but she was one tough cookie and I am so super proud of her! I am happy to say they got it all and she doesn't have to do any radiation. We were really worried about that.
So we had definatly had enough of hospital and Dr's for the year!
Coop got his braces wasn't as fun as he thought it would be...lived on Smoothies and soup for about 3's finally getting better.
When he was getting his on there was a girl next to him getting hers off so I asked how long did you have them on for...she says 9 years...Cooper almost choked on the wires they were placing in his mouth. The Dr quickly reassured Cooper she had a lot of special circumstances. Let's hope so!
Sienna got the benefits of the braces too...with lots of Robeks smoothies....
Now on to happier times...Birthdays!
My cute cute nephew turned ONE! Happy Birthday Hudson!

He was not a fan of digging in the made us laugh. He just learned to walk and he is a crazy man! So stinking cute though. I sure love him.
Next we had Cooper's best friends Dylan's birthday and we felt sad he didn't have his mom this year so we made him cakes and he slept over at our house...he was so sweet talking till about 1:00 in the morning about his sweet mom and her last days. Made me soooooo sad.
Then we had The Big Coop's Birthday...14! Ahhhhh so sad! I don't want him to get any older!!!
Sienna did not understand why Cooper didn't want to wake up and open his presents...she was very confused.

Then she told him she would give him a back rub for his birthday and that got him up.

Then we were off to IHOP for breakfast....Coop still tired I think....

Then we were off to the water park which I didn't have my camera for but Coop brought some friends and they had a great time. He is having a friend party next weekend I am a bit nervous for...with Coop everything is huge...tons and tons of friends. Wish me luck! Looking over his invite list he has as many girls as there are boys this year. Am I ready for this?
Happy 14th Birthday Coop!
We had all the family over for's always fun.

He was not a fan of digging in the made us laugh. He just learned to walk and he is a crazy man! So stinking cute though. I sure love him.
Next we had Cooper's best friends Dylan's birthday and we felt sad he didn't have his mom this year so we made him cakes and he slept over at our house...he was so sweet talking till about 1:00 in the morning about his sweet mom and her last days. Made me soooooo sad.
Then she told him she would give him a back rub for his birthday and that got him up.
Then we were off to IHOP for breakfast....Coop still tired I think....
Then we were off to the water park which I didn't have my camera for but Coop brought some friends and they had a great time. He is having a friend party next weekend I am a bit nervous for...with Coop everything is huge...tons and tons of friends. Wish me luck! Looking over his invite list he has as many girls as there are boys this year. Am I ready for this?
So my 2011 10 things I love about Cooper James Casillas...
1. Love Cooper's is truly golden.
2. He has a really really funny sense of humor....he makes his friends laugh A LOT!
3. He is the most patient member of our family with Sienna when she is throwing a tantrum or being crazy. I trust him more than very responsible.
4. I love that he comes straight to me when he gets home to talk. We have the best talks.
5. I love how much he loves his family and friends...such a big big heart.
6. He is the best saver of his money...we will probably all go to him for loans one day...ha!
7. He is an amazing student in school...
8. Amazing athlete...
9. I love the look on his face when there is a baby nearby...he has a special knack with babies for sure!
10. There are so many things I love about Cooper James Casillas I really can't even begin to list them all...he is and always has been an amazing son and I love him so very very much!